This library improves the way of utilizing ultrasonic sensors and makes it more straightforward to carry out in your projects using Arduino.
If you are using simple Arduino code for ultrasonic sensor, and facing poor performance issue. Having trouble to identify the problem therefore you must try NewPIng library.
To use NewPing library, you need to install its library.It provides straight forward calculation for object detection.
1. Arduino Uno Board x 1
3. Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04)
4. Jumper Wires
2. Bread Board x 1
6. 10 k preset
5. LCD screen
7.220 ohm resistor
Check out the Output video, it will help you to understand the operation of the NewPing library for ultrasonic sensor
If you want to learn how to use NewPIng library to achieve good results for ultrasonic sensor, check out the article below