Semiconductor: brain of modern electronics devices
What are the key features of semiconductor?
How semiconductor industry works?
How India is going to launch semiconductor facilities?
What is the need of smart plant watering system
When ever we go out for vacations, we all worried for our plant. Here, you will find the solution for your plants using Arduino based automatic plant watering system. lets find out how to build it.
Key features of Buzzer
Lets explore some important key features of Buzzer. Explore it with micro controller like Arduino Uno.
10 important features about 74HC595 shift register
74HC595 shift register is a single input multiple output IC used to add more I/O pins to a micro controllers.
Find unknown facts about DC motor
Find all the important interesting facts about DC motor and learn how to use it with Arduino Uno
Interesting facts about RTD temperature sensor
Some unknown facts about RTD (resistance temperature detector) temperature sensor.
What is temperature sensor and its use with Arduino
Interesting facts about temperature sensor and how to use it with Arduino Uno to detect temperature.
What is servo?
What is servo and its types? What are the application of it? How to use servo with Arduino to perform any rotational task? All these question are answered in this web story.
Interesting facts about light dependent resistor (LDR)
What is Light dependent resistor (LDR) and how it works, how to use it with Arduino to convert an idea into reality, all these information is provided in this webstory.
Interesting facts about single digit seven segment display
Find out some interesting facts about a single digit seven segment display. Learn how to use a seven segment display using Arduino uno to display number or letter.